Hi everyone! Hope you're having a romantic valentines day weekend! David is working long hours all weekend, but I have a special meal planned for us tonight. <3
I wanted to recap our trip to New Jersey last weekend where we celebrated the Green Bay Packers win over the stupid Steelers! Still sore about the Ravens loss, the Baltimore fam along with David and I were able to join my sister Jenn and brother-in-law Keith and celebrate some Steelers ass-kicking! The Packers club basement was decked out with green & gold, a huge projector-screen TV, a keg, and plenty of Jezynowka blackberry brandy. Even a kiddie corner where my nephew Jake had his own table and snacks and a little flat screen TV for spongebob watching!
Go Packers! There were lots of celebrating shots! Jenn and Keith also cooked up tons of awesome food including perogies, tater tots, 3 kinds of wings, sausage, & kraut. Mama Heck brought her yummy potato salad and I brought veggies n hummus dip in attempt to stay healthy, although somehow I probably ate my weight in tater tots followed by one or two brocolli florets haha. In previous Packer celebrating, Jenn somehow slipped that a) she used to work at Hooters and b) she would put on a Hooters outfit for David if the Packers go to the superbowl. David was not about to let this one go. Like the good sport and hot mama she is, David got his hot wings served to him right, with a little sugar on the side!
Haha what a sh*t eatin grin on his face.
We ended the night with a soak in the hot tub, and some strawberry tobacco from the hookah for dessert. Definitely a great time!
Not all that much to report. I've been continuing on a good path with healthy lifestyle changes, having some good times with friends, having some gross time with kitty Cake, and having some very interesting wedding thoughts...
First off with my spring slim down, I am not going to post my exercise over the last week, but I will report a total of 6lb weight loss now! I am surprised by how fast the holiday weight came off, and also now remember how good it feels to work out n eat my veggies! As promised, I said I'd review the new Core Fusion DVDs I got. I only have done the BootCamp, and it was pretty awesome.
I really enjoyed this video as my first introduction to a yoga type workout. The moves seem to focus on flexability, yet also build in some weights and strength moves. Lord knows I need help with flexibility so I was happy. Although some of the 10-min segments claimed to be 'cardio' it was not the hardcore sweat-drenched-jumping-around-type cardio I am used to, but at the same time, my thighs and arms were killing me as you go through sequences like jump backs, planks, squats, downward dogs, etc. Also, the ab section was insane for me. After doing the video the whole way through the first time, I felt soreness in my inner thighs and my obliques. Overall- it's idfferent in a good way and I will definitely be doing it more often.
I also took a bootcamp class at the gym last night with the future MIL, and while I am sore today, I don't think it was worth $10, especially when the instructor teaches the Sweatshop class for free which is very similar.
OK now for a gross story... David noticed Kitty had a 'dingleberry' hanging from his behind and promptly scooped him up and threw him out on the balcony for me to handle (David has a bad gag reflex when it comes to these things. Looking forward to seeing how he handles a baby! Haha) I go out there armed with one dry and one wet papertowel. I grab Cake around the belly so I can see his arse and grab at the hanging poop ball with the dry papertowl and pull. And pull... and pull. The little poop ball was attached to a long string I was pulling out! In my mind I am like omg what is this? Looking at the string, examining as best I can from arms length away, I determine it is floss. Although gross, this was so funny because kitty does always play with my floss string sitting on the bathroom counter while I am following my dentists orders nightly. Never thought he would go get the string after thrown in the trash! I go in to tell David about the experience and he said, and I quote, "omg Cake had a turd tampon." Can't make these things up.
Hopefully you don't have a gag reflex, if so I am sorry for the above :)
On a totally different note (sorry I can't think of any good transistion here)...
David and I have been discussing wedding plans. And we have an idea that I am finally getting totally excited about versus feeling stressed about. Nothing set in stone but lets just say that our wedding photos may look something like this...
Can you guess where this is ? ! ? ! Details to come...
Well I am off to grab some sushi for lunch, then hittin the gym and packing for a trip to Annapolis tonight for Melting Pot dinner, Baltimore for a night, then New Jersey for Superbowl!!!! Go Packers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!